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1. Various Topics (see below)
2. Meditation (click to jump to page)
3. Transpersonal Psychology (click to jump to page)
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Asian Psychologies And Philosophies
Autobiography: Roger’s Personal Explorations
Clinical Studies
Consciousness Studies
Contemporary Global Crises
Contemplative and Psychological Practices
Existential Psychology And Philosophy
Film Reviews
Integral Studies and Ken Wilber
Jetlag Treatment
Lifestyle And Mental Health
Paths Beyond Ego (chapters from the book)
Religion and Spirituality
Self Reflection
ACIM: The Course
Animal Studies
Asian Contemplative Disciplines: Common practices, clinical applications, and research findings. Roger Walsh. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 32:2, 83-108, 1999.
The Search for Synthesis. Transpersonal Psychology and the Meeting of East and West, Psychology & Religion, Personal & Transpersonal. Roger Walsh. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 32:19-46, 1992.
Can Western Philosophers understand Asian Philosophies–The Challenge & Opportunity of States-of-Consciousness Research. Roger Walsh. Crosscurrents XXXIX: 281-299, 1989
Two Asian Psychologies and their Implications for Western Psychotherapists. Roger Walsh.. American Journal of Psychotherapy XLII:543-560,1988.
The Consciousness Disciplines–Meditation, Contemplation, Yoga, and More. Roger Walsh. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 23: 28-30, 1983.
The Consciousness Disciplines and the Behavioral Sciences. Questions of Comparison and Assessment. Roger Walsh. American Journal of Psychiatry 137:663-673, 1980.
Long-term Benefits from Psychotherapy. Roger Walsh & James Bugental. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 45(4), 531-542, 2005.
Initial Meditative Experiences Part I. Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 9:151-192, 1977
Initial Meditative Experiences: Part II. Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 10:1-28, 1978
Reflections on Psychotherapy–A Personal Account of Therapy with James Bugental. Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 8:100-111, 1976.
The Menstrual Cycle, Personality, and Academic Performance. Roger Walsh, Inge Budtz-Olsen, Carol Leader, and Robert A. Cummins. Archives of General Psychiatry 38:219-221, 1981.
Subjective effects of antidepressants. Robin Bitner, Lorena Hillman, Bruce Victor, & Roger Walsh. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 191 (10), 660-667, 2003.
States and Stages of Consciousness.–Current Research and Understandings. Roger Walsh.
Also see chapters from the book – Paths Beyond Ego.
Karma Yoga and Awakening Service: Modern Approaches to an Ancient Practice. Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Research, 5(1), 2-6, 2013.
Sacred Service and Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Transforming Work, Service, and Life into Continuous Contemplative Practice
PowerPoint Presentation
Calling All Integral Practitioners! Responding Effectively to the Crises and Craziness of Our Times. Roger Walsh.
Integral Life, 2021.
Terrorism and Other Global Terrors: An Integral Analysis: Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 34, 13-21, 2002.
The Ecological Imperative. Roger Walsh. ReVision 16:50-52, 1993.
Toward a Psychology of Sustainability. Roger Walsh. ReVision 14:61-66, 1992.
Toward a Psychology of Human Survival. Psychological Approaches to Contemporary Global Threats. Roger Walsh. American Journal of Psychotherapy XLIII:158-180, 1989.
Human Survival. A Psycho-Evolutionary Analysis. Roger Walsh. ReVision 8:7-10, 1985.
Contributing Effectively in Times of Crisis: Debugging the Source Code of Our Crises and Craziness.
Conventional and Authentic Lives: Existential and Transpersonal Perspectives. Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology Review 4: 3, 4-12, 2000.
The Problem of Suffering. Walsh, Roger. The Humanistic Psychologist 23: 345-357, 1995.
Can Western Philosophers understand Asian Philosophies–The Challenge & Opportunity of States-of-Consciousness Research. Roger Walsh. Crosscurrents XXXIX: 281 – 299, 1989.
Film of the Year? An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
We live in a time of ecological grace. That’s easy to forget. Yet human civilization has thrived in a rare geological era of temperate climate, free of either frozen glaciers or heated water covering the planet. Climate is a delicate balance, and that’s the central theme of ecological concerns about human impact on it.
It was also the theme of Al Gore’s 2007 film, An Inconvenient Truth which received an Academy award, and later that year Gore himself received the Nobel Peace Prize. The film was impactful, but of course controversial, in part because of claims that sections of the United States eastern coastline, including New York City and the 9/11 Memorial, could be flooded by climate exacerbated storms and rising seas.
Now the sequel has appeared, and it’s startling to see how much things have changed in only a decade. The five hottest years on record occurred since 2010, glaciers are melting faster, tidal surges plus storms of unprecedented fury have flattened third world cities, and some low-lying islands are moving their populations.
And the US eastern coast? In 2012, water surged through New York City and flooded the 9/11 memorial, and fish now swim in Miami streets during high tides despite billion-dollar pumping projects.
There’s also positive news. Growing numbers of governments are concerned, the Paris Climate Accord is signed, and the growth of renewable energy sources has exploded. However, in some places, the issue has become so politicized that for many people, facts are not enough.
Still, it’s important to get the facts out, and An Inconvenient Sequel does that. It’s a more emotionally impactful film than the original for several reasons. First, the costs of climate disruption are now painfully evident, and the images of climate-related devastation and deaths are horrific. The sight of parts of major cities such as Miami and New York underwater is shocking. And finally, Al Gore is so much more impassioned, speaking emotionally and forcefully about the growing risks to our civilization and our planet.
Roger Walsh
Calling All Integral Practitioners! Responding Effectively to the Crises and Craziness of Our Times. Roger Walsh.
Integral Life, 2021.
INTEGRAL SERVICE Part 1: A Central Discipline for All Integral Practitioners. Roger Walsh.
Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 9(1), 125–132.
INTEGRAL SERVICE Part 2: What Does it Take? Integral Discipline, Karma Yoga, and Sacred Service. Roger Walsh.
Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 9(1), 133–144
The State of the Integral Enterprise, Part I: Current status, possible applications, and potential traps. Roger Walsh.
Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 1-12, 2009.
The State of the Integral Enterprise Part II: Key ideas for a world at risk. Roger Walsh.
Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 13-22, 2009.
Responding to Suffering and Evil: Integral Principles. Roger Walsh.
Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(4), 151-158, 2006
Terrorism and other global terrors: An integral analysis. Roger Walsh.
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 34, 13-21, 2002.
An Integral Approach to Consciousness Research: A proposal for integrating first, second and third person accounts of consciousness. Ken Wilber & Roger Walsh. Advances in Consciousness Research 16, 82-101, 2000.
Science and Religion Proposals for Reconciliation. Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 29: 123-142, 1997.
Developmental and evolutionary synthesis in the recent writings of Ken Wilber. Roger Walsh. ReVision 18 (4): 7-18, 1996
The Worldview of Ken Wilber. Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 34(2):6-21, 1994.
Theories of Personality & Psychopathology–Fromm, Allport, Murray, Goldstein, Maslow, Murphy, Lewin, Gestalt, Lacan, Cattell, Skinner, Ken Wilber. William Thetford and Roger Walsh. 1985.
A SOCIABLE GOD–Foreword to Ken Wilber’ book. Roger Walsh. 1983.
Jetlag Treatment. Roger Walsh.
Lifestyle and Mental Health: A Summary – Published in The California Psychologist 2019.
Press release – Therapeutic lifestyle changes as useful as drugs in improving mental health. Irvine, Calif., February 22, 2011.
Lifestyle & Mental Health– published in the American Psychologist. Roger Walsh. 2011.
Introduction — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
Wider Vision–New Paradigms For Old — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
What is a Person–A Transpersonal View — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
Minding Our World–Service and Sustainability — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
Ripples of Change–Implications of Transpersonal Psychology For Other Disciplines — — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
Transpersonal Psychotherapy — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
A Comparison of Psychotherapies — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
Meditation–Doorway to the Transpersonal — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
The Nature of Consciousness — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
The Riddle of Consciousness — from the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
The Adventure of Consciousness–Conclusion to the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
Transpersonal Dimensions In Psychology–Epilogue to the book, PATHS BEYOND EGO, by Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan.
Consciousness and Asian Traditions: An Evolutionary Perspective by Roger Walsh (April 2012). Please note that this chapter is from the recently published book: Spiritual Growth with Entheogens: Psychoactive Sacramentals and Human Transformation (March 2012).
Birthing the Transpersonal. Stanislav Grof, Charles Grob, Gary Bravo, & Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 40(2), 155-177, 2008.
Early Psychedelic Investigators Reflect on the Psychological and Social Implications of their Research. Roger Walsh and Charles Grob. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 46(4), 432-448, 2006.
The Oral History of Psychedelics Research Project, II: Do drugs have religious import? A forty year retrospective. Huston Smith, Robert Jesse, Charles Grob, Alise Agar, Roger Walsh. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 44 (2), 120-140, 2003.
Psychedelics Research Revisited. Jim Fadiman, Charles Grob, Gary Bravo, Alise Agar, and Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 35 (2), 111-125, 2003.
New Views of Timeless Experiences: Contemporary Research on the Nature and Significance of Transpersonal Experiences. Roger Walsh. The Heffter Review, 1, 62-64, 1998.
The Transpersonal Movement: A History and State of The Art. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 25:123-140, 1993. Roger Walsh.
Phenonenology and Sequelae 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine–MDMA, Ecstasy–Use. Charles Grob, Gary Bravo, Roger Walsh, and Mitchell B. Liester. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 180:345-352, 1992.
The MDMA-neurotoxicity Controversy: Implications for Clinical Research and Novel Psychoactive Drugs. Charles Grob, Gary Bravo, Roger Walsh, and Mitchell B. Liester. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases. 180: 355-356, 1992.
Psychedelics and Self-Actualization. Roger Walsh. Psychedelic Reflections Lester Grinspoon and James B. Bakalar, editors Human Sciences Press 1983.
Conclusion–What Did These Elders Learn and What Can We Learn From Them–From the Book HIGHER WISDOM. Roger Walsh and Charles S. Grob.
Religious Implications of Psychedelics-From the book HIGHER WISDOM. edited by Roger Walsh & Charles Grob.
Culture, Consciousness & Psychedelics–From the book HIGHER WISDOM. Roger Walsh and Charles S. Grob.
Psychotherapy–Personal and Transpersonal. Roger Walsh.
Psychotherapy as Perceptual Training. Roger Walsh. The American Theosophist.
Theories of Personality & Psychopathology–Fromm, Allport, Murray, Goldstein, Maslow, Murphy, Lewin, Gestalt, Lacan, Cattell, Skinner, Ken Wilber. William Thetford and Roger Walsh. 1985.
Also see chapters from the book – Paths Beyond Ego.
Relationships: The Art of Fostering Conscious Relationships
Contemporary Perspectives on Religion and Spirituality. Roger Walsh. Psychiatric Times 35, 2994
Year End Exercise – a way of reviewing the year. Roger Walsh.
Beyond Intuition. Roger Walsh. Shamanism, 20(2), 31-39, 2007.
Shamanic Experiences: A Developmental Analysis. Roger Walsh. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 41, 31-52, 2001.
The Psychological Health of Shamans: A Reevaluation. Roger Walsh. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, LXV, 101-124, 1997.
The Making of a Shaman: Calling, Training, and Culmination. Roger Walsh. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 34(3):7-30, 1994.
Phenomenological Mapping and Comparison of Shamanic, Buddhist, Yogic and Schizophrenic Experiences. Roger Walsh. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 61:739-770, 1993.
Shamanic Cosmology. A Psychological Examination of the Shaman’s World. Roger Walsh. ReVision 13:86-100, 1991.
Shamanism and early Human Technology. The Technology of Transcendence. Roger Walsh. ReVision 21 :34-40, 1989.
What is a Shaman Definition, Origin and Distribution. Roger Walsh.. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 21:1-11, 1989.
The Shamanic Journey–Experiences, Origins, and Analogues. Roger Walsh. ReVision 12:25-32, 1989.
The Cultivation of Wisdom. Kaisa Puhakka and Roger Walsh. The Humanistic Psychologist 22:275-295, 1995.
The Transmission of Wisdom: The Task of Gnostic Intermediaries. Roger Walsh. Journal of Transpersonal Research, 2009, Vol. 1, pp 114-117.
The Varieties of Wisdom: Contemplative, Cross-Culture, and Integral Contributions. Research In Human Development, Roger Walsh. 2011.
Wisdom–An Integral View. Roger Walsh. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2012, 7(1), pp. 1–21.
Studies of Wisdom: A Special Issue of Integral Review. Roger Walsh and Jonathan Reams, Editors. Integral Review, March 2015 Vol. 11, No. 2.
Wise Ways of Seeing: Wisdom and Perspectives. Roger Walsh. Integral Review, March 2015 Vol. 11, No. 2
What is Wisdom? Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Syntheses. Roger Walsh. Review of General Psychology, 2015.
The World’s Great Wisdom. Roger Walsh.
A Little Wisdom Can Be a Dangerous Thing: The Traps and Seductions of Wisdom Roger Walsh. JTP Volume 54(2), 2022.
A GIFT OF HEALING–Introduction to the book by Frances Vaughan and Roger Walsh.
ACCEPT THIS GIFT–Introduction to the book by Frances Vaughan and Roger Walsh.
A GIFT OF PEACE–Introduction to the book by Frances Vaughan and Roger Walsh.
Meditation and A Course in Miracles: A Dialogue Between Roger Walsh and Robert Perry
The original online article can be found here: Circle of Atonement
The Open-field Test. A Critical Review. Walsh, R.N., and R.A. Cummins. Psychological Bulletin 83:482-504, 1976.